Hi! I’m Kamil.

I’m Motion Designer based in London, UK. Over the last 8+ years, I have been developing my skills in 2D and 3D motion design with a dash of UI design, which I like more and more.

I have strong skills in procedural and code-based techniques. Simply, I am not fan of doing something 20 times, when you can set up a rig to handle all of your project needs. Because of this, I use a lot of Expressions and pseudo-code in my projects, especially ones made in After Effects.

Currently, I’m still in the process of learning and perfecting my 3D skills. I’m a big fan of Blender and using procedural and node-based effects to get similar results, like Effectors in Cinema 4D.

I have vast experience in working on small to medium size projects for large number of financial institutions, fintechs, start ups and in educational sector. A lot of work I do is for internal use only, as part of client internal showcase or education. Nevertheless, I do enjoy making each piece better than previous one from technical or design point of view.

I like to travel and spending longer time in country than just a “weekend trip”. This way I can truly experience new culture, food and sights, without rushing and sticking to “beaten path”. I often take my Kindle with me, loaded with sci fi and fantasy books.

Speaking of fantasy – I’m big fan of Witcher and Warhamer 40k universes. I enjoy, both video games and bookd. I really like to unwind with action, adventure or RPG video games, like Far Cry and Bioshock. I can talk for hours about them and get lost in that world very easily.

I do enjoy teaching others and making tutorials on my YouTube K Motion channel. I try to not only show “which buttons to press to get X”, but to explain the technique behind the idea and why I took specific steps to get to the final product. I believe it is more important to teach someone context surrounding the problem and “supporting” knowledge, instead of 1-2-3 steps to get X.

Make sure you visit my Tutorial section of the site [link here], where you will be able to read about all the fine details of making the tutorial.

My Work

Here you can see some of the latest projects I have worked on recently.

Need motion specialist?

Lets chat and see how I can help bring your idea to life.